
The importance of sports massage during winter:

It’s that time of year where we are heading out for winter sports such as skiing.There’s no better way to properly prepare and relax you muscles before and after an important event with massage therapy such as sports massage.We can stretch your pecs and shoulders so you experience greater flexibility and enhanced ease of motion.  Incorrect or overuse of your muscles and joints can often create problems and imbalances in the soft tissues. If injuries are ignored and allowed to become chronic, they can hinder your performance and ultimately you may be susceptible to developing more serious conditions. Sports massage is designed to improve the suppleness and flexibility of your muscles and joints, improve blood circulation, speed up the healing of damaged or stressed muscles, tissues and joints, and prevent future muscle and tendon injuries. The therapy is generally focused on the problem area – pulled muscles and over-used joints – rather than giving you a thorough full body massage
With regular sessions, sports massage may help you prevent injuries, which might otherwise be caused by overuse. A constant build-up of tension in the muscles from regular activity may lead to stresses on joints, ligaments, tendons, as well as the muscles themselves.

Our skilled physical/massage therapist, Jovic Solomon can provide a body assessment and use appropriate massage and stretch techniques to help speed up heading of existing injuries, prevent future injuries and to help you maintain optimal physical balance.

Jovic Solomon has worked with athletes of all levels and abilities and have years of professional experience working with specific sports injuries, recovery and prevention.
Call today to schedule your body assessment and sports massage at Iyara Central.

Sports Massage (60 / 90 mins, member price $850 / $1050)           $950 / $1150
(avail exclusively at our Central spa)

party at Iyara



From 10th November until December 31st, 2013 , value package clients can enjoy free flowing bubbly during your service/treatment. Please ask for a glass when you come in..


Needle-free mesotherapy


Needle-free mesotherapy infusion facial treatment

About Infusion™

InfusionTM Electro-mesotherapy is the pain-free, needle-free alternative to traditional mesotherapy and provides safe and effective trans-dermal delivery of therapeutic solutions. Practitioners can now meet the growing demand for non-invasive aesthetic procedures and patients can reap all the benefits of mesotherapy with none of the risks!

Infusion™ is a multi-application system designed for a wide range of aesthetic treatments for the face and body:

  • Anti aging and wrinkle reduction
  • Collagen regeneration
  • Skin rehydration
  • Skin firming and toning
  • Body sculpting and cellulite reduction
  • Stretch mark reduction

The Infusion™ system features:

  • State-of-the-art IonwaveTM technology
  • Needle-free, painless treatments
  • Intelligent, ergonomic design
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Easily portable for full treatment flexibility

The system can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatments as a complementary treatment to any standard aesthetic procedures including body contouring, skin rejuvenation procedures, as well as peeling and exfoliation treatments! An optimal addition to every aesthetic practice, Infusion™ offers a comfortable and convenient solution for all of your needs.

How does it work?

  ionware effect

1. When the Ionwave™ properties
come in contact with the cell they begin the structural rearrangemen
of the lipid bilayer to form micropores in the cell membrane




2. As the gatekeepers to the cell micro channels enable or restrict the passage of natural nutritional compounds and extracts. Micro channels are short-lived and reseal soon after compounds are delivered


Avoid Botox in later years with regular oxygen facials!

• Reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles by releasing moisturizers onto the skin.

• This preventative treatment can you help avoid botox or plastic surgery years later.

• Helps heal sun exposed skin

• Pure O2 helps to figh eczema, dryness, acne or irritated red skin.

• Ideal for brides just before their BIG DAY! The oxygen will infuse hydration and enhance your skin to keep make-up looking fresh and radiant throughout the day and night.

Book an appointment now with our skin care experts !